I am like the Grand High Emperor of all procrastination ever

Nov 16, 2010 17:45

In the past 24 hours, I have:

Slept for four hours
Skipped four classes
Spent an hour trying to decide what to offer for Yuletide (still haven't actually signed up)
Listened to Tightrope thirty-seven times on loop (Janelle Monae: Hot, or hottest?)
Watched nearly the whole season of Dancing with the Stars (Jennifer Grey: Foxy, or foxiest?)
Eaten two giant bags of mini peanut butter cups
Scrubbed my bathroom top to bottom
Knitted six inches of scarf
Read 150 pages
And, finally, researched and written a ten page memo. Which is due tonight. Which I've known about for two weeks.

I have utterly lost the ability to prioritize. This is BAD.

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i am a dork

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