The state of the me

Sep 22, 2010 23:20

I am:

Wildly, stupidly, terrifyingly over-scheduled.

Enjoying the hell out of New York, school, and new people, and really everything except my lack of free time.

Endlessly indebted to
sothcweden for sending me links to this video and this video, displaying an uncanny sense of when I really needed a fannish pick-me-up. (Oh, I will miss LP so much. And how could I possibly love Adam and Tommy this much?)

Seriously bummed out by the fact that apparently I will never get laid again. (Invisible to law school boys. How do people in New York hook up, except in horrendously loud, crowded, terrible bars?)

Incredibly grateful for how easy it is to drift in and out of fandom. I can have no time to breathe but, after days or a weeks of being entirely absent (and getting defriended left and right), get a rec for a sharp, intelligent, gorgeously written first-time fic or a notice of an update to a truly glorious crack wip and feel like I've never left. I don't know what I'd be doing right now without that.

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life, recs, fandom, glittery alien from planet fierce

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