Squee about Glee, because I am always six months behind on this sort of thing

May 26, 2010 23:21

Adam Lambert- Bad news: strained his voice. Good news: still pretty. And so is Tommy.

Dr. Who- Bad news: still sucks. Good news: my sister and I have been shouting "Not vampires! Fish from space!" at each other at fairly random intervals. That line was seriously 'planes crash/clowns kill' levels of awesome right there.

Life- Bad news: So unemployed. So broke. Good news: The Boy is visiting! And Cirque du Soleil is coming to town! SPARKLY!

Glee- Bad news: did in fact take a significant writing-quality nosedive after the first 13 episodes, for reasons already better diagnosed by everybody else. Good news: KISS. With the facepaint and the boots and the pyrotechnics and KISS! *flaily hands* Also, oh, Kurt.

(Seriously, the boys-versus-girls thing this show does gives me flashbacks to high school. And yes, predictably, I like the boys side better every time. Because, really, the last time they did boys-versus-girls the girls had to wear frilly yellow dresses and the boys got freakin' Bon Jovi. Then this time they do boys versus girls and the girls have to look utterly ridiculous doing mediocre dance-pop and the guys? The guys get Kiss. With pyrotechnics. The girls number made me go "oh, how fun." The boys number made me jump up and down head-banging with my air guitar. This always happens. It's no wonder I have gender issues.)

They seem to be making a good-faith effort to do a better job balancing their ensemble (Artie and Tina get lines now, and Puck had a solo! Which made me cry!) If this trend of "less Finn and Rachel, more Mercedes/Kurt/Artie/Tina/Puck/Santana" continues, I will be downright ecstatic. Sure, okay, they have managed to ping my ableism meter hard twice (my meter is very insensitive and hard to ping, for the record), and they are developing a really unfortunate tendency toward Very Special Episodes, and the musical numbers sound a bit over-produced, but... but... but... so much fun.

Plus, I think that absolutely everything they've done with Kurt has been great. Partly because of extraordinary acting on the part of both Chris Colfer (who I now have an actor-crush on oh my god) and Mike O'Malley, but mostly because the writing has been really, seriously good.

They've been unafraid to let Kurt be wrong, even as they keep him entirely sympathetic- and so the conflict between Kurt and his dad is driven by Kurt's (understandable) insecurity and fear, not by his dad's homophobia, and we see Kurt seriously underestimate his dad even as we see how much they genuinely mean to each other. And the writing lets Kurt be wrong about Finn, too- lets him go to the creepy place, and lets him try to do the right thing while never really admitting to himself that he was a creep, lets him be incredibly tactless and self-centered and unconcerned for Finn's desires or comfort in a very real-feeling teenaged way, even as he's still obviously trying so hard. And then- WHAM. The show isn't afraid to let Finn be spectacularly, horrifically wrong either.

And then just when I can't take it any more, just when my heart is absolutely breaking for Kurt, just when I want to take this boy -- this beautiful, insensitive, abrasive, loyal, terrified, proud, fragile, strong, wonderful boy -- and wrap him up in my arms -- just then, Burt is so utterly perfect that I almost can't cope. BURT. *hands*

tl;dr- KURT!!!!!!

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squee, life, tv: glee, tv: doctor who, ep reaction, glittery alien from planet fierce

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