So, let's do some recs

Nov 16, 2009 19:50

I have been reading. Then today at lunch I wrote! It sucked, yes, but still. If all goes according to plan, one day I may actually be a real fangirl again. (OMG I MISS IT. There is this whole whiny angsty post in my about frustration and procrastination and the problem of knowing what I want to be doing with my time but not being able to get from here to there)

I have my Yuletide canon to review, and my SGA exchange assignment, which I have no clue about. I defaulted the last time I tried to force myself to write via exchange, but Christmas is different. I can do this.


SG1: The Dances of Uzume, by paian for jd_ficathon. This is a lot of action (which is fun and laugh-out-loud funny in at least one place) with post-amnesia Daniel (perhaps my biggest SG1 kink) and some incredible emotional stuff going on between Jack and Daniel. paian can put words to the problem of descension in this amazingly articulate way, but then also leave so much under the surface, intense but subtle. I am in awe.

SGA: Even Bonnie and Clyde Had Off Days by friendshipper for sga_genficathon. Yes, I know. You've all seen this. I'm the last to know. But it has the best line in all of fanfiction to date, and made me giggle like a madwoman, and anyone who can do Ronon's internal voice this well deserves feedback and cookies.

Star Trek (what are we calling it now? ST XI? ST:AOS? ST Reboot? Did y'all decide while I was gone?): Something like a Countdown by classics_geek. I asked for "Sulu and Chekov terrible twins bridge hijinks," and oh baby did she give it to me. Prank war par excellence.

Mythbusters: Straight Man. No! Wait! Don't walk away! First of all, this isn't Mythbusters slash. It's... queergen. Let's go with that. Secondly, it's by Toft, so it has to be good. Thirdly, I read this over the weekend and left six paragraphs of feedback. Correction: Six paragraphs of fawning feedback. By accident. No, really, it's that good- in character and difficult and emotionally honest and heartbreaking and yet filled with so much genuine connection and affection between our boys. Something about it really spoke to me- the problems of friendship. The shock of wondering "do I even really know him?" The loneliness of realizing that maybe you don't- maybe you never really know anybody. The way even the closest of relationships can be torpedoed by the simplest of things. The quiet, simple joy of realizing at last that there is a solid foundation after all.

(Fawning feedback. No joke)

recs: sg1, tv: sga, recs, recs: sga, recs: st, tv: mythbusters, recs: mythbusters, tv: sg1, fandom, tv: st

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