In the last three days, I have not worked out. I have not done the writing I was planning on. I have not read my flist. I haven't watched the stuff I meant to watch.
What have I done? Read 600 pages of science fiction.
The sudden, shocking loss productivity is all hilarytamar's fault. Seriously. I haven't devoured profic at that rate in quite literally years. No, really, I last averaged more than three fun books a month back in November of 07, and I haven't chain-read a series since... frankly, probably since back when I was still convinced that George R R Martin was going to escape the epic-doorstop trap.
hilarytamar made me read Lois McMaster Bujold, and 50 pages in I knew I was going to read every word this woman ever commits to paper. In any case, I just blew through The Warrior's Apprentice, The Mountains of Mourning, and The Vor Game and fell instantly in love with her sensibility, her sense of humor, her world building, several of her characters, and most of her thematic concerns. And of course I have Things To Say (about how Vor Game suffers structurally by comparison to Warrior's Apprentice, and I think there was a much stronger book- two books, actually- in there than was actually written, and about where I think her characterization tends to fall down), and I really want to tease out all the thematic stuff I'm seeing, but... but... that is just me processing by talky talky talky, not me saying anything profound. And, after all, the more time I type the less time I'm reading! (The next one is already waiting for me at the library. It's like a sickness. I love this woman!)
Catalysis for Dummies is the cutest John/Rodney AU in quite a while.
And a Kings rec, the first NC-17 Jack/David I have liked yet:
All Tomorrow's Parties Awesome linkage:
A Mathematical Limerick. I am fairly sure this wins the internet. (It works, as far as I can tell. I won't admit how tough it was to remember how to deal with that)
Now this is a man who understands procrastination: Part
four, and
Random: From now on, I shall endeavor to keep
Certera's Law in mind when selecting my online reading material. (Like I wasn't already)