Jan 25, 2022 20:48
After going down a rabbit hole of looking at my old journal posts I decided to reread my old rp's, specifically the ones with Ben. Because I have some bizarro fascination with them and read them every 5 to 10 years.
But since it's been SO LONG since we did them I want to write any thoughts I have down, cause I'm crazy.
Before I can do WH1 i have to be its predecessor the murder mystery, not a lot happens in it but its basically what started WH
Lotr Murder Mystery
It started when Ren wanted to play Murder mystery with the lotr cast. Which was pretty boring other than I thought it was funny that Dom was kinda mean to Billy at first until they started theorizing about why Orli and Viggo were making faces at each other. Not much really happens in this, Ian's dead, Oli and Viggo throw themselves at Liv who's the only one actually trying to play the game, Dom and Billy theorize that Orli and Viggo are secretly in love with each other and that Orli had a thing with Ian, so Viggo killed him.
Lij and Ben start making out to avoid giving a blood sample, and Zin is just... sorta there. In the end, Ren gives up on the mystery and makes them all go to middle earth.
Weird House 1
I find it funny I started this since I didn't even watch Big brother.
So apparently Ren has always started and hosted WH, something I didn't realize, I guess I just thought it was started by Zin or something. This means Ren has always been the sorta Producer of the show, and I think it's after she started hosting WH that her personality started to change.
Orli and Viggo are paired as roomies and so starts a rivalry that lasts for the rest of the WH's if I remember correctly. They also still try to throw themselves at Liv who's as interesting as a slice of white bread, at least in the murder mystery she did something, now she's just one of the non-hobbits who complain about hobbit food.
Dom invents the "TV", which I thought was funny cause I just figured Ben was the one who started that, but nope it was Dom.
Lij and Ben make out, Viggo apparently paints them, and I have to wonder, did Lij keep it? Did he still have it through all the WH's? Cause that'd be funny.
In the middle of the night it's made known that Orli and Viggo are apparently Telepathic, something I wish we had utilized later, cause it woulda been amusing, but the whole Viggo Orli thing kinda fell by the wayside later on.
Tired of Sean's cooking Zin makes Lij cook, which is weird cause why replace a hobbit with a different hobbit if that's why you didn't like his food.
Lij, of course, does not do a good job, and nobody likes it but also everyone is too polite to tell him that's it's bad, even Zin, which I found very funny cause if it had been later on she woulda just been like "This sucks". but Lij was still innocent so I guess that's why.
Dom and Billy theorize that Zin is in love with Lij because she wasn't eating and try to think of something to do to help but ultimately doesn't do anything.
Then everyone goes swimming and Zin and Lij slightly flirt before Ren comes in and turns everything to middle earth again.
Overall not much happens in this one, other than the start of Lij being a bad cook, and some iconic Viggo Orli moments.
Liv and bean are completely superfluous, especially Bean if he wasn't there nobody would notice. Liv at least Orli and Viggo fought over at first. Zin also did nothing really and was just sorta there again.
Currently, these are more like recaps, but when/if I get to WH 3 1/2 on that'll likely change as I'll have more to say about it, currently, there's no solidity to anything that's happening no real consequence to anything, its all really wishy washy, so -shrugs-
rp review,