Boy or bot?

Jul 03, 2015 14:10

I had a dream we were at a restaurant and our waiter was calling every something like Sir or Madam. But when they got to me they had a confused look on there face and was like "Are you a boy or a girl?" And I was just like 'Uhhh..', because I couldn't say androgynes since my parents were there but I didn't feel comfertable saying Girl.
So I just sat there going Uhh umm the whole time before the dream changed or I woke up. I'm sure my dream parents didn't suspect a thing! -thumbs up- pfft

Then I had a dream I was at Lollapolosa with a bunch of youtubers(because i was watching vlogs from when Shay and Charles whent to lollapolosa..), except it was inside a building? I kept meaning to take pictures of all the people but I guess I kept getting distracted?
Then when we where leaving I was with Charles and some other people(fam maybe?), and for some reason all I was wearing was a sheet wrapped around me? pfft.
So we were walking to get to another park? I think and there was lots of cacti in the sidewalk(which makes no sense but whatevs) and I look up at Charles who's barefoot and I'm like "How can you walk barefoot?.
Then of couse he steps on one so I have him ride piggy back on me but then suddonly its pouring and I'm trying to walk uphill on a bridge? and theres a narrarator? talking about how hard it is for me to walk whith Charles on my back and that I give up and then we fall in a river like thing? But then the narrator says I get a rush of adrenlaline and I can easily run up the bridge? with Charles.
Then it gets alittle weird and then I wake up or something.

I had another dream that mighta been before the concert one?
We were at Bookmans with my cousins who were really Babytard and Princesstard. And all I really remember is looking around and seeing some disney movies that were really cheap, that I later realized were VHS' and I was like "WHO WANTS VHS NO WONDER THEY'RE SO CHEAP".
At one point I was with Angela/Babytard and we found this weird t-rex slinky, and Angela said it was 2 dollers so I was like "Well if its that cheap I'll get it!" but when we were leaving I looked and it was 11 dollers so I didn't get it.

youtubers, dreams

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