I feel like dancing on my own

May 30, 2008 15:50

Haha, one of the questions on the web application for Old Navy is "Do you always tell the truth?" I... I think there's an inherent problem with that one, guys. (And srsly, Old Navy, I swear I'm not going to steal your shit. You can stop asking me now.)

Also learned today: I am too uncool for the Canadian knockoff of Hot Topic. This is pretty sad. I'd say "at least I won't lose my indie cred by shopping there!" (like I could, I've got $8 total before you subtract how much I owe to my parents) but I'm too uncool to have indie cred too, even if I am listening to Belle and Sebastian. Whatever. I AM MY OWN SUBCULTURE.

ETA: ...They just asked me how many times I've gotten into a fistfight at work. I... wasn't aware that this was common.

Son of ETA: "I believe that most people have never used marijuana." What? What does that have to do with anything?


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