I feel positively filthy standing next to you

May 25, 2008 18:26

URGE TO KILL. RISING. (Linking to unfunnybusiness instead of the actual article because the stupid in the article continues in the comments. I hate people. That poor kid.)

I WILL TALK ABOUT GOOD THINGS NOW. Such as the Being Human pilot, because I've been meaning to squee but keep forgetting. Was a bit dubious about the premise because... well, it's about a werewolf, a vampire, and a ghost living together. And then I finally went "Whatever, it sounds lame but everyone seems to like it..." AND THEN IT WAS NOT LAME AT ALL. Was COMPLETELY blown away in fact. S'wonderfully written and the characterisation is magnificent omfg. I absolutely adore all three of them. Can't even pick a favourite, though it must be said -- and I hate to say this about a fictional vampire because even when I was in the midst of my junior high bad-supernatural-fiction phase (that, I should point out, never involved anything by Anne Rice and was long before Twilight, thank god) I didn't fancy them -- Mitchell is absolutely beautiful. Gah. *paws at him* Butbutbut Annie is ADORABLE and I WANT ONE and I love George to death (and his bum :D ♥) and... yeah, this is stupidly good and I hope it doesn't disappoint me horribly when it becomes an actual series.

Speaking of Twilight, which I haven't read (I much prefer the mockery), the third panel of this KILLS ME DEAD. If he sparkles in the movie I'll totally go see it. Or pirate it out of morbid curiosity.

Also I seem to have a bit of a social life for the next few days. Hurray! This will save me from being annoyed by unfortunate things like reality shows using really inappropriate music. Which is a stupid thing to be annoyed by, but bits of So You Think You Can Dance are quite good really srsly, is the theme from Requiem for a Dream REALLY appropriate for your crap talent show? No. Because it's about drug addicts.

...Though it's also a fantastic piece of music and a million times better than crap manufactured bands singing about ~*~*following your dreams*~*~. So I take it back. It's still weird though.

i hate people, links, tv, tv: werewolves+vampires+ghosts oh my, for the lulz

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