I'm pretty sure my entire flist has done this by now and I am nothing if not a sheep.
1. Anyone who looks at this entry please post this meme and their current wallpaper at their LiveJournal.
2. Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper.
3. Don't change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on.
I was poking at the official Trek reboot site the other day looking for good quality pictures I could make icons out of, and while I was there I swiped a Chekov wallpaper. Except white backgrounds look hideous in Vista (cheers Microsoft) and I had to crop it down anyway, so I fooled around in Photoshop for a bit. And now I have a Yelchin on my desktop! Hurray! I'm quite pleased considering I've been really crap at graphics-type-things lately.
(And er, yes, I do have two browsers and two music programs there. I used to use Firefox exclusively but then it got buggy and I was too lazy to reinstall it, so I switched to Chrome for a bit and now I'm too used to it to switch back. And I use iTunes for managing my iPod and Winamp for actually listening to music.)
Meanwhile, er, I started watching Skins a few weeks ago for no particular reason and just finished S3 a couple days ago and OH MY GOSH. I mean, the whole love triangle thing with Effy is astoundingly dull and Pandora is incredibly annoying, and I'm pretty sure a lot of the show is sort of crap, but I don't even care because I have fallen SO HARD for Emily and Naomi omg. Admittedly I am incredibly sappy and a sucker for pretty girls kissing, but they are really really lovely and totally made me cry. (And it's nice to see the show doing gayness well, unlike in the first two series where Maxxie's characterisation consisted entirely of "He likes dudes and dancing and is freaked out by his stalker" :\ Even his dad being Bill Bailey doesn't make up for it, awesome as that was.)