zomg, my iPod came! And it is beautiful! And has no music on it yet, so there will probably be grouching sooner than later about that, but MY IPOD IS HERE GLEEEEE. (It's a black refurbished one straight from Apple. :DD I wasn't expecting it for ages, they told me five to eight business days when I bought it! And I bought it on Sunday evening!)
I need to name it now! TELL ME WHAT TO CALL MY IPOD INTERNETS. Actually I'll probably just name it Bob or something. (The only named computery thing I have is my external hard drive Lacie. And she is called Lacie because the brand is LaCie, so... yeah. I'm crap at names. But I am not calling this "[
dragged_up]'s iPod" because that is boring.)
I just thought of naming it Smudger but then I realised that would probably mean it'll break and become kinda crap even once it's recovered :(((( (I love Alan to death and everything, but really.)
okay, I'm impatient as fuck so I have named it "Crowley" because the first thing I saw when glancing around my room for inspiration was Good Omens. BETTER IDEAS ARE A+++ THOUGH FLIST.