(no subject)

Jun 07, 2007 11:34

i know i dont write in here much anymore, if at all
im doing so at the suggestion of dave, who was there when i describe what happened, and feels my need to vent

early last night, several of my friends and i actually stumbled onto a conversation about cops who go on power trips and are assholes and this and that. now i mostly just listened, never have i had firsthand experience in seeing this, even my run in with the oswego state cops was a friendly one -- the cop was probably one of the nicest guys i met. my friend will got arrested that night only to come back and say.. "what a swell guy."

we decided to hang out at matts house for a few hours.. sit in the backyard and build a fire, and then go in and watch clerks 2. around two, we (me, mary, julia, shawn and dave) decided to leave. i was everyone's ride home.

matt lives across the street from a bar, so at closing time none of us were surprised to see a cop car sitting a block down the street. i look up a few moments later and this cop is now following us. now, we all have our seatbelts on, all my lights are on and work, my registration and inspection are both valid, im a licensed driver, i was going the speed limit, and i used my turning signals. I USED MY TURNING SIGNALS. i need to emphasize that. EVERY TURN I MADE I USED MY SIGNALS. im slightly nervous, only because im always nervous when a cop is driving behind me. thats just how i am. i know that none of us, especially me as the driver, have done anything wrong. im headed towards dave, julia, and shawns house and the cop is following every move i make. sure enough, a little more than a quarter mile later, i see lights in my mirror. shit, ive just gotten pulled over for the first time.

im now a wreck, trying to figure out what i possibly did to get pulled over. i can think of nothing. i hand cop #1 my license and registration. cop #2 appears at the passenger side window and immediately starts harrassing shawn for no good reason. they pull him out of the car, and an argument ensues. the cops call for backup. THEY FUCKING CALLED FOR BACKUP. (shawn is just yelling, and not even close to getting physical. but whatever). cop#2 comes back and asks me to get out of the cars. asks me what i was doing, where i was going, all about my registration, blahblahblah. TRYING TO MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS VALID BECAUSE THEY DONT WANT ME TO HAVE TO GET MY CAR TOWED. FOR WHAT?! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING. he lets me get back in the car and tells me to sit tight. oh yeah, he told me my friend shawn was an asshole as well. out of the blue. fucking lovely.

so we're all chain smoking because we're going crazy trying to think of what we possibly did. after what seemed like FOREVER cop #2 comes back and tells me that they're writing shawn a ticket and ill be able to go in a minute or two. i asked him what i was pulled over for. he said there were two reasons, and cop #1 would explain them to me when he gave me my license and registration back. shawn gets back in the car, i get my shit and am informed of THE ONE REASON (wait, i thought there were two!) i was pulled over. I DIDNT USE MY TURNING SIGNAL AT A STOP SIGN. WAIT WHAT?! i have four witnesses in my car to back up that i sure as hell did use them. (now i know they're my friends but dave is a brutally honest kind of guy, and trust me, he'd let me know if i didnt, no doubt about it). in fact there is a point in the drive where i take a right and and INSANELY QUICK left and i never use my signal for that left but made sure to because i knew there was a cop behind me. oh wait, he said at the STOP SIGN. if he was referring the one right before where he pulled me over, i hate to break it to him but WE WENT STRAIGHT. WE DID NOT TURN. so basically i got pulled over for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and shawn got a ticket for littering his cigarette. OH WAIT THEN WHEN WE'RE ABOUT TO LEAVE, julia (who did not realize what shawn got a ticket for) throws her cigarette out the window

they pull her out and then threaten to take her to jail for not having an ID on her. are you fucking serious?! so she gets a ticket for littering as well and we're finally allowed to go on our way.

it was a frustrating ordeal for everyone in the car, i was lucky enough to not get a ticket, but i would have contested the shit out of it being as i know for a fact that i used my signals at every place necessary. it annoys me that they followed us for so long looking to pull us over, it annoys me that they pretty much deliberately started with shawn for no good reason, it annoys me that they gave julia a tickets, it annoys me the way they talked to us, and if you had been there (im not sure if you can really sense the emotion and how wrong this was through my words) i'm almost certain you would agree that there was no reason for it.

the word we used to describe it was "violating."
it was completely unnecessary, some cops were looking to fuck with us.
they had no reason to, and the tone of voice and language used with us, us who had really done nothing wrong, was out of line. BY ALOT.
fucking lovely.

EDIT: so my brother just called me like, so i hear you got pulled over the other night. and i was like, yo how the hell do you know? apparently, my brother's friend is friends with the asshole cops. my brother's friend recognized my name and told my brother all about it. i then proceeded to tell my brother the correct version of the story and also told him to tell his friend to tell his cop buddies not to be such assholes next time. i also told him to let his friend (and all his friends cop buddies) know that if you see my blue corsica license plate clj 6461 not to pull me over regardless of how many people are in the car cause we didnt do anything wrong.

yesterday i was also reminded that the father of a friend of my ex is the head of internal affairs for the syracuse police. that could be handy to know, eh?

basically im just amazed at what a small world it really is.
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