Nov 06, 2008 08:43
My mom told me that she was proud of me for not caving into peer pressure and doing what I believed was right. Not that there was really pressure, just loudly stated opinions. It is not lost on me that my choice was also her choice, and if I had gone the other way, even if I truly believed it, she wouldn't be so proud.
I also noticed in her comment how amazed she was that I didn't give into peer pressure. What she and my father don't understand is that I'm usually not affected by peer pressure. Of course most of my friends are so accepting of everyone, they usually don't apply pressure to be like them. My great friends and I see the individual in people.
...but, because I live my life so differently than what my parents think is ok, and I choose to surround myself with likeminded people, I must only be doing it to fit in with the "cool" people. They will never realize that this is really who I am, this is who I want to be; this is who I am proud to be. To them this couldn't possibly be the things I truly believe are right. They think I just go along with crowd as a general rule.
I love my parents, but it is very sad to me that they will never truly understand me. They will never truly see and get to know the real me. Like most people, they are blinded by their generation, unable to see the amazing things discovered by other generations. They are stuck in a world of black and white, while I am living in a world with a rainbow of colors. (No pun intended).