So I was left speechless by my game last night

Aug 03, 2012 16:31

Kirk Asimov may have potentially just overtaken Akamaru Stripe in the epically awesome loyal dog awards.

This is Kirk, licking the face of Judy Asimov (Gen 4 spouse, vampire failing to be as dead as her mortal & late husband).

Now, you're probably thinking that Kirk is just doing some normal interaction with the mother of his owner. Yeh... the above shot is. Technically. Thing is, it's what he did moments before this that really matter.

Vampire death of the bloodless variety.
Poor Judy spends too much time watching over her dead husband's grave or working.

Kirk then came in on a mission. You know that walk that Terriers get when they are going to get their way no matter what? EA captured it brilliantly.

I looked at his queue: Harrass Death.
Most dogs would just bark at the postie. Not Kirk.

He then escorted Death to Judy's grave.

Yes. Really.

Best dog ever, yes?

legacy, ts3, foundation & empire

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