Okay... so going back into full time study kicks your previous time management in the proverbial. Gah. However, I'm having a metric f***ton of fun both studying & getting to do a photo documentary on the class/semester at the same time. Not to mention the networking.... picked up a couple of new models, possibly gotten a job photographing for a modelling agency & also getting to do a shoot for the college next week =)
So why am I writing this in this journal? Because one of the girls in class did special occasion / glamour makeup on my face today & I managed to get the shots all up to date online from class.... & a friend messaged me to tell me that I looked like Carrie Stripe (generation 5).
Makeup by Joanna Ho
22nd July 2009
So after a goodly amount of giggling at the fact that I didn't even notice & she's my bloody sim - my favourite sim - I thought I would share XD
& now I'm considering the Queen Armidala lippy for Friday. [shifty eyes]