Friends Only

Jan 18, 2019 01:29

If I know you from somewhere and/or we have friends and interests in common I will likely add you back. Just tell me you're adding me because LJ's notif system is rarely perfect.
If I don't know you and we have no friends in common, unless you're coming from a friending meme I filled out, I will likely not add you back, sorry.
Comments are screened.

I mostly talk about tv with an occasional random life post and some rare movies and comics stuff.

I watch a lot of shows, like a ridiculous amount. I'm trying to cut down, though, because most things tv aren't impressing me these days and watching them is more a force of habit than anything else. Arrow, Sleepy Hollow, Orphan Black, SHIELD, Hart of Dixie, Parks and Rec, and Brooklyn 99 are rare exceptions to that. Occasionally something else joins them (Elementary being the most likely one and probably something that will get cancelled, if the 2013-2014 season if any indicator lol) in the above-average-loving-it group so those are really the ones that matter from the currently airing side of the tv spectrum.

The rest
I've been getting into comics recently (Avengersverse mostly although some X-Men, too, and a few non-Marvel things like Saga) and while I don't really watch movies I do follow MCU. And love and enjoy it. A lot. :D Also, sports. Although that's almost never mentioned here but it might show up.

My life is of the pretty standard boring variety so not much exciting happens here on that front but it is a part of my LJ.

I am terrible at adding people first. Meaning I never do it. It's a thing. I'd say I'm working on it but that wouldn't really be true. Just trust me when I say I'm the worst at this and I'm not exaggerating. And if we've been in the same circles for ages and know each other, that's probably the only reason I never added you and it's not that I don't like you/have an issue with you or anything.

introduction, friends only

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