Jan 11, 2007 19:22
Hmmm, so what have I been doing lately? Just finished complaining to Daddy about how cold my room is. Engrish Teachah-teachah assigned us a graphic novel to read (goodie!), it's around 100 pages and I feel like I have to mummify myself in sweaters and blankets or just get up and keep my blood moving so I won't freeze. It really doesn't help that I was reading about Holocaust victims marching in the snow...uncool! D=
Bah, first day of class yesterday...Also Fuzztastic one's birthday was yesterday! English class again made me feel much joy. My English teacher is about to have his own offspring soon! Don't you just LOVE it when English teachers reproduce?! I freakin' do! XD
2D Design 2 is just waiting for the day that I personally shoot my face off 'Resident Evil 4 Zombie Villager' style!
Today was just Art History's History...that class confuses me to the point where I have no idea what the heck it's about. Methods and Materials was meh, it's inked and painted joy. I tallied up everytime the instructor "ya know"d and that got me thru the day. I ended up with 135. Tonight I found out my dad used to do the same thing except with a high school teacher. I can't tell whether I should classify this as nerdy or sad. Thinking about it just makes me shrug.
Mmmm, had two boxes of thai noodles already...must control self @_@