Nov 19, 2006 20:50
My neighbors are, literally. I'm actually feeling major shockwaves under my feet (on the third floor!), are they having mute drunken sumo matches or what? Ah well. Tomorrow SHOULD be the start of my thanksgiving break but it's NOT thanks to the one and only Drawing class D= I'm never allowed to skip that one, If I were to go early that would equal one grade drop. How silly.
I've been napping alot recently, it usually ranges from 2-7 hours just to recharge my batteries. It's nice. Now I'm staring into outer space and typing in between just to keep awake. I've been trying to get most of my homework done ahead of time (like studying which was the reason for sleeping pretty much all day today). So far it's not really working....I'll try again tomorrow when I come home from class at around 7 pm XD I may as well write my to do list from memory since I lost my other one. Back up list!
~Make 40 9"x12" line drawings
~Finish 2D pastel drawing (1/3 left to finish! Wahoo!)
~Start on mosiac portrait for 2D (Buy molding paste or whatever it's called)
~Make a clock/sundial (can't decide) out of plywood for 3D
~Make giant bug cage w/bugs out of alumminum window screen for 3D and turn it in late XDDDD (my first one sucked so I never turned in)
~Resubmit wood shims project for 3D (Need to add the back)
~Do a drawing and an artist statement for English. Prepare for presentation!!
~Study for West Art final