Baby - 1st Prenatal Visit

Apr 20, 2007 23:46

Had my first prenatal checkup yesterday. I am already 14wks 2 days now, I know I should have seen someone already but going through the separation/move and getting settled here has been a task and it was the first I have been able to.

I loved everyone in the office, the nurses, the u/s lady, and the doctor. They all made you feel comfortable, like family. Not a clinic/patient feeling at all. My doctor looks like that lou guy that played hulk, his arm muscles were about to burst through his scrub top, haha.. However, I had to have a papsmear of course and it didn't hurt at all.. he was very gentle. I like the doctor and the people in the clinic so much better than the one I had in AL with Isabella. I was happy about that because although it was a great clinic with a great doctor it still felt like a doctor/patient thing..not like this. Plus, it was cool getting to have my 1st appointment while my sister was in the next room getting her 1st prenatal appointment too. :) Although she found out during her u/s that she is actually only at 6 weeks instead of 9! ..which means she found out she was pregnant at around 3 weeks. I liked being only about a month apart, now it's nearly 2 months!

Baby was very active during the u/s.. waving, moving it's little legs, it was so great. I was in with my sis then she was in with me right after. She thought she would be seeing a blob but instead she only got to see a little speck, but she really enjoyed seeing my baby moving around and all. The baby even flipped us off, the u/s tech said that it was the youngest she has had flip her off, haha.. you could see it so clearly on the screen but the pictures didn't turn out so well. :( .. I actually got a tear in my eye this time. With Isaella's first u/s I was still in the shock of actually being pregnant, and she also slept the entire time. When I found out this time, although going through a lot. I swore I would enjoy the pregnancy from day 1 no matter what happens.. and I am.

Oh, and the heartbeat was 161

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