Mar 25, 2006 17:23
Kind of a venting/mind clearing session since I have no one in real life to talk to.
First of all, Nick stepped on my glasses the other day. I'm guessing they were knocked off the side table downstairs. They were bent pretty bad and in the process of him "fixing" them, they broke. Took them by to see if they can be fixed and they are too screwed up for that. They said it would be best to take it by a jewelers to have them fix it. That's such a waste and since I had those for 4 years I decided I may as well just get my eyes rechecked and get new ones altogether. Also going to get the test done for contacts as well. I've never used those but, I'm a big girl.. I can take it. hah
Luckily I checked my bank and the federal taxes have been deposited. It kind of sucks that I have to put some of it towards this but it has been needed for a long time anyway, this is only forcing me to do it instead of waiting another few years.
Aside from that my baby girl has gotten sick the last couple of days. Some coughing/sneezing and a clear discharge. She has also been grabbing at her right ear when she cries. I was wanting to take her to the doctor anyway but since she was doing that I really didn't want to chance permantely damaging her ear. I called my doctor's office and although the doctor wasn't in they do this rotation thing with a couple of other pediatric offices, which I thought was very professional and much better than pediatric E.R.! We took her in and the place was fantastic, the nurses were sweet, and doctor was awesome. My doctor is very good also but the receptionist and waiting area/rooms aren't the best. I was pleased. Anyways, he looked in her ears, everything was fine. He had to clean some wax out of the left one though. She didn't have a temperature but it was getting pretty close so he prescribed some amoxi based on the fact that she had a cold and could also have a sinus infection trying to add to the mix. She's been a trooper though, she rarely cries still eats like a pig, laughs and talks all day. I have such a wonderful baby. It kills me to see what she is going through though. Kind of depressing at times because I can't do something about it right away. but, it's a part of life and I must deal with it.
On a side note, she has recently started biting my nipple from time to time while nursing. Usuaully when trying to pass gas. It is not a very pleasant feeling! hah