Sep 20, 2009 09:05
Yesterday before going to work at Dover I went to the barn to ride Wills for a bit. When I got there, I had discovered that there was a show in progress at River Chase. Both arenas were in use and my first thought was "great - no ride for me today..dammit."
As I walked into the stone barn (where William's stall is), I noticed that my fellow boarder Jenny (who owns Lakota, William's girlfriend) was there and had Lakota all tacked up except for the bridle. We chatted for a bit and decided that we would just ride around the property - since there was actually a three step mounting block outside of the arenas. This was a very pleasant surprise indeed, especially since Wills and Lakota get on really well and I adore riding with Jenny.
Once I got William ready, we go out to the mounting block where Wills decides he wants to be a bit of a brat by taking two steps away from the block (he did that last time I rode, but I still managed to get on in reasonable time.). To save time, Jenny offered to hold him while I got on - and that was fine.
Then Jenny mounted up and away we went. It was a stunning day, and both horses enjoyed the walk. I noticed that William is very perky and forward when we are not in the arena (which is fine - since he likes more of a "trail ride" thing anyway. We rode for about 30 minutes, then we each needed to get going once we put our horses away.
It was a great day, a great ride and a great time was had by all.
Today, Wills will get his sheath cleaned again (yeah, he needs it twice a year...)