May 28, 2008 19:51
Went out to see William today. Since he's field boarded, he is subjected to a few ailments that happen to horses that live outside 24/7. He's got a bacterial thing on his face where he's lost some hair (treated that with Fungisan today) as well as on his back. I think he has some rain rot on the backs of his legs (also treated with some Fungisan), and his scratches came back on the one back leg (treated it with ivory dish soap and Desitin). Oh yes, and then there's the horseman's dream ointment that I put on the bare skin where he's been nipped or scratched during feed time.
We spent a short amount of time in the arena (short b/c I was having some g.i. dysfunction). He did his usual coughy thing in the beginning which went away. It also became painfully obvious that I am in desperate need of a chiropractic adjustment. We did quite a bit of walking, and some nice walk/trot transitions. Then I really didn't feel like being in the arena anymore, so I rode out and we walked a little around the River Chase grounds. I'm looking forward to figuring out where the heck the general trails are to hack around the property. It felt great to just *be* in the saddle.
It was a good time together, and I just adore him. I wish I was more educated on these little ailments for field boarded horses so I can not sit there and say "ok - lets hit it with Novalsan or Fungisan!"
I'm planning on going out tomorrow and riding some more. Oh yes, and I think he has some thrush on the right front foot. Will need to hit that with Thrush Buster....
Have a good evening y'all.