snarkypotions & all the [SLYTHERINS]
Where: Slytherin Common Room
When: Afternoon, October 15th. One hour after
[THIS] post.
What: Snape gathers the serpents together and gives them a welcoming speech.
Rating: PG
Cunning, Resourceful and Slytherin )
"I hope you do not consider it out of term, perhaps even egregious, for me to seek your opinion on the matter which has drawn my attention. Would it be correct of me to assume that, as the spell has removed us from our own areas of space and time, transferred to this one, that we now exist outside of our original universe's temporal envelope?"
Her eyes squinted gently for a moment, allowing Snape ample time to consider the complexity of her statement.
"That is to say, time in the original universes of those drafted is of no consequences here, and upon our eventual return, we would resume at the exact point in time we found ourselves levied?"
"Unfortunately, I do not know the answer to that. One would hope that the Headmaster, in all his infinite wisdom, had the foresight of taking that into account so as to not further upset the fabric of time, but I cannot say until he tells us so himself."
And from the irritation in his tone, it was clear that Snape was not pleased with Dumbledore for this lack of information, even if it was nothing new.
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