Who: Alayne Stone and OPEN~
Where: RANDOM CORRIDORS close to Ravenclaw Tower
When: An hour or two after the magicdrafted lovelies start waking up :D
What: Wandering around aww yeah...
Warnings: None. Aside from potential ASoIaF spoilers idk. Let me know
here if you don't want those. 8)
[She'd chosen to dress herself in the clothes she'd been given - that was polite, after all, and the best option if one was to make a good impression - even though the skirt was much too short, and though well fitting, the garments were nothing like what she was used to. The tie, too, had been foregone, unfamiliar as she was with such a thing. There were books, thick tomes of seemingly fantastical information, to read. Alayne had skimmed them, but they'd only provided more answers, and she'd had enough questions to start with.
It was clear that this was real, at least, but that was a cold sort of comfort. An hour had been whiled away in the dormitory - waiting. She was a prisoner after all, wasn't she? A letter was not enough to explain things, not enough to make her trust - if her father, nor anyone else she knew, was not here, then...
Then where did that leave Alayne Stone?
In a sudden spell of bravery, she'd decided to try and leave herself. She'd expected to find locked doors barring her way, guards, anything - but there was nothing of the sort. There was nothing to keep her trapped in that tower and so she'd left the dormitory, tentatively, but not before putting the wand, the book-like device, and the letter they'd given her into a bag.
So she began to wander - and currently, she's somewhere close to the Ravenclaw Tower, looking terribly out of place. Her footsteps rang on the stone floor, the shoes she was wearing alien and odd. These halls were foreign to her, the paintings unfamiliar - nothing was familiar, and the words of the letter turning over and over in her head only make things worse. A hero, she thought to herself, managing to look less anxious than she felt, but I am no hero. I am a stone, not an eagle. Another woman - a girl - had been a little bird - not her.
Her wandering was vague, largely exploration for exploration's sake. If she found this Dumbledore, she reasoned, perhaps she could explain the mistake that has been made, and be sent home to the Vale.
But even so, she couldn't deny a thrill of curiosity.]