[In the various houses of Hogwarts, the same scene was replaying itself over and over. Individuals, many of whom had been somewhere else and doing something else moments ago, found themselves waking up in a bed that wasn't their own. Some of them had company, as faces both familiar and not were waking up in the bunks across from them, while others
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Now awake and rightly confused, he sat himself in the center of his bed in a pair of white and blue striped pajamas that were two sizes too big, long brownish blond hair hanging loosely over his shoulders as he emptied the contents of his trunk around him.
He was careful to leave his uniform and real clothes folded neatly in the trunk and went for the books. Each one was opened and skimmed briefly but the contents were baffling. Magic? With his wand resting in his lap, he read over his 'Welcome to Hogwarts' letter for the fourth time as he absently stroked the top of Arthur's head (Suzaku's cat ( ... )
But here he is again... His little brother crouched near his trunk, petting the cat that had accompanied Suzaku. ]
[Relief and excitement wash over him as he urges Arthur away with a gentle nudge as he lifts off the bed and crosses the distance between them. As the distance between them closes, he comes to realize that he's once again taller than Edward. Stopping just a few feet in front of his older brother he asks with a blink.]
When did you get shorter, Brother?
Shorter... [ A beat and then he throws his hands in the air. ] I DIDN'T SHRINK, YOU GREW!!
[He flails as Edward throws his hands in the air. Hands waving between them to show his surprise.]
How could I have grown? I was just small enough [Emphasis on the small part.] a little while ago to fit into that suit of armor on Eckhart's ship! You didn't even notice me get back on the ship!
[He blinks a little as he lets that bit of news slip, he supposes considering they're both together is a clear sign that he must have followed Ed, but he can't help but smile sheepishly, in the way that attempts to plead his complete innocence.]
Al, you...
What'd you go and do that for, huh? Idiot, you were supposed to stay in Amestris to destroy the gate with the Colonel!
Colonel Mustang should be breaking down the gate back home.
[What he doesn't say is the obvious, they don't need me.]
Don't call me an idiot, idiot! What did you think you were doing back there, Brother?! After all of that, after everything we've been through! You think I was just going to let you go back alone?
[Though his voice is shaking, he doesn't appear to be upset at all. There's a quiet confidence burning from his eyes as he shakes his head firmly at Edward.]
No. We didn't journey together all those years just so we could be apart, Brother.
[ The conviction he sees in his brother's eyes (like flashing mercury and he never really had the chance to appreciate their color until now, what with everything that had been going on since he arrived back in Amestris) is startling. Maybe just a bit scary. But more than that, there's recognition in Al's eyes that he hadn't seen on the bloodstained, cracked streets of Central. Al's memory... Could it be? ]
You remember?
Yeah... I guess I do.
He snorts, stepping further into the dorm and settling on the bed near Al. ]
Equivalent Exchange... Makes sense. But, Al... We might never be able to get back. Are you really ready to accept that?
[ Somehow, he wouldn't be surprised if Al is. ]
[He turns to head for the bed, stepping over Arthur as the cat makes his way back to Suzaku's bed. Al completely seems to ignore Ed's other question, but as he holds the parchment out for Al to see he gives his head another shake.]
I know... I've spent the last three years trying to get you back, Brother. You're all I've ever had...
[Wanted, for that matter. Even without his memories he had managed to turn himself into a ghost of his Brother, walking the same path and even making some of the same questionable choices.]
... my place is with you, walking side by side so we can experience the same things.
[ It takes a moment for Al's words to sink in. All that he has... Of course, he's always felt the same way, but had wanted more for Al. A life in which Al could be happy. But more importantly, something else that Al says catches his attention, making his brows furrow as he blinks. ]
Dreams? Al, wait- What are you talking about?
[ Of course, he's never known that through Alfons' eyes, there were times his brother was looking back at him. ]
Well... you know, like that time when I found you. We ran away from those guys with the weapons. But... the other times, Teacher used to say they were just dreams, but there were times I remember spending with you. We built rockets together... and I coughed a lot, like Teacher used to. They always seemed so real, they're what kept me believing you were still out there.
That's not weird... right?
No... it's not weird. Something like that- Happened to me too. Back at Dante's.
[ It's spoken softly, even as he unties the bind holding Al's hair back and slowly doing it in a much tidier braid. ]
Each world has a counterpart. Alter versions of me and you. I... was living with a guy who- Well, he was your alternate. It must've been that connection that allowed you to see through his eyes.
[...before you died. He can not quite bring himself to say the rest and his lips hang open, drying slowly as he holds his breath at Edward's touch. The reassuring words are only enough to get his brown eyes to move and it's down they look as Edward releases the hair he only set back moments ago.
He's vaguely aware of sections being twisted together slowly, unlike Edward's thick strands his are much more thin and when it's finally complete it hands down to the middle of his back. It feels strange to have his hair like this, it was always Edward's style and absently he reaches back to draw the braid over his shoulder, so that he can play with the end between his fingers.
Edward's words were not ignored though, he had been listening the whole time.]
I - [He stops to correct himself.] - He was sick.
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