Jan 25, 2012 00:00

Hello everyone!

As of today, January 25th, 2012, magicdraft has officially moved to dreamwidth.org! If you haven't already please head over to dreamwidth.org and make yourself a journal and join the communities.

You can find us over at magicdrafted (main comm), draftlogs (log comm), restrictedsection (18+ comm), draftees (ooc comm), and swishandflicks (meme comm).

You are more than welcome to continue to back tag here on livejournal to meet activity check requirements, but all new posts must be made over that new communities on dreamwidth.

Your AC check for the month of January is to simply make a new journal and post to the taken character page. If this is not completed by January 31st, 2012 you will be taken off the game roster and you will need to reapply if you wish to join us again. The following journals as of January 25th have either completed or not completed the following:

These characters/journals have been put on the taken list but not joined the comms:
Terezi Pyrope seeingeyespit
Blackfire  flamenoir
Norway criticizes

These characters/journals have joined the comms but have not signed up on the taken list:
Takato Matsuda dreamtamer

These characters/journals have neither signed up on the taken list or joined the comms:
Tyrion Lannister  debtsrepaid
Stannis Baratheon  justicelobster
Byakuya Kuchiki  beforethesakura
C.C.  aevitas
Anders  wardennolonger
Van Hohenheim lightofxerxes
Lucius Malfoy  swaggering
Rose Lalonde  stubborn_throes
Vriska Serket  eightshoutpoles
Jade Harley  witchofspace
Takeshi Yamamoto  ignorant
Aoko Nakamori mop_fu
Marco  fierybluebird
Dawn  championship
Noa Kaiba usb_noa

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