Hello! I'm Kim and I'm bringing in the country Netherlands from Axis Powers Hetalia. He's from 1650 and going through his Golden Age. That means he's a kick ass empire and he's probably not going to be tolerating a lot of bullshit (unless it gives him lots and lots of money). He's mostly a nation who keeps to himself socially, but he's not so bad deep down. He's just got this super cool mysterious vibe thing going on!
Anyway, he's in Slytherin and in his 4th year (FFFFFF RUSSIA ((*゜Д゜)ゞ” ). He likes cute things and has a weakness for cute, innocent young girls because they are precious and should not be ruined! Also, he likes making a lot of money this is super important.
I am best reached at on
plurk. I do have aim (nom nom brains), but right now I'm on vacation so I'm not on either too much. Feel free to add me on plurk, but just tell me you're from the game and whatnot (your name would be nice, too, haha!). Private plurking me is probably the best route if you have a question about things at the moment. If not, I do have e-mail! Feel free to look that up on the contacts page and hit me up. I also have an hmd (anon enabled, no ip logging, & screened) for another option.
Alright, I think that's about it. I probably won't make my intro until I get back, but I will be creeping on all the things.