Oct 13, 2013 14:29
I have gone back to the roots of things and in that journey I have given up on a few things and came across new ones. I have been out of touch. Life got in the way big time. Dreams are odd at best but entertaining to say the least. I am coaching a fellow in his studies and his bid to go up a level in a tradition we both have shared. I have have known him a long time. I have more faith in his abilities than he does at the moment. If he spends less time second guessing himself he could get there at a faster pace. *sigh* It is his journey and I am there to support so it has to be at his pace. I am careful to stick to the script and not to give answers. Part of the journey is finding those answers on his own. In going through the lessons and stuff I am relearning things I have forgotten and remembering those I did not. It is odd for me in a way because I am surprised at how much has remained with me after all these years. Which begs me to question how I have seen things in the past. But it also brings up questions. Ah that spells problems for me. For instance the quarters. Some things are a mystery even though I do know the answer I question the why of it.
So lets take a stab at a few things. Tools...it does not matter what quarter you put the element in but, The tools seem to remain with the element pretty much.
Two things that still mystify me are the Air and Fire relationship. Wand is basically a tree. Heck even some Tarot cards show trees on fire. A tree in of itself should be Air. If it fits anywhere. They roots go deep into the earth but the branches go high into the air and it seems a tragety that flames would be there. That being said I know that the tree also represents the will. In that context yes I see it. But if We are going all elemental it does not fit. The second is the Blade brought forth from the earth and forged in fire to strengthen the steel. It is quenched in water true enough but would not fit there so Air seems out of place as well. Why not just change them over? Yes The blade represents the mind and in that vein it is put there. But that is not the elemental aspect is it. I suppose that all things being equal it would depend on you perception. so would it not make more sense to pick one or the other? There are lots of arguments I am sure. Yet If I am a child of the elements it would make sense to use things that fit the elements rather than the alchemical variations. I don't know I could be wrong nothing new in that.
elemental thoughts