
Jan 17, 2011 04:12

I am reading. I am studying. I am learning. I have discovered many of my own misconceptions on a variety of subjects. I have figured out that I was on the wrong track. Not the wrong path mind you but the wrong track and yes there is a difference. So much to do and I feel that time is running out for me. I have lost 2 sizes and my hair is very short. I did that. I cut my hair very close. It does not look as bad as I had feared. It is back to the normal color with gray feathered throughout. The yard is looking great. It always looks nice after a good soaking. The trees are growing and I have the feeling I will not see them in their fullness. Or perhaps I will and no longer care only time will say for sure. Still I have my visions of what it might look like and I find comfort it that.
The altar is in the south. It is surrounded by mountain laural and sage. The watchers are an oak and an ash. In the back are two what I think maybe hawthorns but I am not sure. Oh yes and one shrub attempting to become a tree. Of what sort I am not certain but it is fast growing and determined. There are two natural path ways through the trees to the altar. I could not have planned it better myself. The mountain laurel grows where it wants to and almost never where I wish it to go. *shrugs* One of my cats think I put it there just for her as she makes use of it often. I have a digital camera and if I remember I will post the pictures one day.
I have been reading about the directions and the elements commonly associated with each. I am still the odd one out on my own that is nothing new. My reasons are sound but I have yet to make a good case for it other than the sun rises in the East (Air) and sets in the West (Earth). I have always felt this was proper. I have tried to see the points others make and though I find them valid it does not shake my own convictions. I have been revisiting the tools and where they go and why. Some have good arguments. *grin* If my directions are odd then the tools will have to be adjusted and an argument made for that adjustment as well. *shaking head*
I war between the four directions of the three. If you use three then the wheel of the year does not fit right. Yet I do like the idea of three with fire in the center as the spirit of life. The fact is that Earth,Sea and Sky will work if you are on an Island but not so much if you are land-locked. The Celts used this and as I study more I see where with a slight tweaking it might work. Still it feels as though I am missing something. That tells me further study is needed. What if I do not really need a circle as much as sacred space and just acknowledge the four directions? I do like the idea of sending prayers or singing the four directions as well.


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