a kkm fic to stop val from killing me while I write the real one

Oct 11, 2006 02:23

Many moons ago I promised to write a Kyou Kara Maou fic for julineci... I did start it and it wasn't that bad. Then things happened and I fell behind (still have only watched up to about ep42) and so the real fic is still only about a third done... As she told me, this is a cop out fic but it will tide her over until I'm done with the real thing.

When Yuuri was fifteen, he came within centimetres of the stereotypical method of high school torture and nearly had his head flushed in the toilet. Fortunately for him, though not his tormentors, he remembered one of the moves his brother had insistently taught him and gotten himself free before the threat of immanent saturation became reality.

The other kid that had gotten Yuuri into that situation was nowhere to be seen.

The months before Yuuri turned sixteen were eventful only in a manner which made Yuuri wonder if he was somehow cursed in the same way that the characters from the Ranma ½ manga were. Unlike them, however, he had a great deal more success in avoiding being drenched with whatever water was at hand. He did develop a mild hydrophobia that was enough to overcome his reluctance to rejoin the baseball team so that he would not be forced to attend the swimming classes.

When Yuuri turned seventeen, his parents wanted to celebrate by throwing him a party. His mother had intended to invite the daughters of all their neighbours as well as his classmates and any sisters they had. Yuuri had been mildly embarrassed at the fuss she was making and had expected that to become mortification should the event actually occur.

Yuuri did not mind at all when his brother vetoed the idea in favour of a private family dinner at Yuuri’s favourite restaurant. Not that Yuuri would not have liked the opportunity to talk with some girls, but he had just known that his baby photos would have made a memorable appearance and that was something no teen need to have available to his likewise teenage friends.

When Yuuri was seventeen years and one month old, it occurred to him that his brother might deliberately be interfering with Yuuri’s love life and his attempts to get it started. Maybe that was why Shuuri had stopped the party idea before their parents could get carried away. Yuuri dismissed the notion as ridiculous and concentrated on the tutorials his brother had arranged with a retired teacher so that Yuuri would be well prepared for his exams.

Not long before Yuuri turned eighteen, he had his hydrophobia cured by his brother taking him aside and drumming some sense into his head. Shortly after that, Yuuri noticed that, although he was no longer being maliciously targeted by random bodies of water, water was still behaving weirdly when Yuuri was near. It would swirl in a glass without being stirred, spray from the shower would fall up as well as down and it would flow down the drain in the opposite direction to what his science teacher had told him it should.

Yuuri shrugged it all off. His university entrance exams were approaching.

On Yuuri’s eighteenth birthday, he still hadn’t had a date but he didn’t really mind as his team was playing in the division finals. His brother was there to watch them win eight to five and then take him to dinner afterwards. Since Shuuri was usually busy with his new job, he was the assistant of some important official, Yuuri jumped at the chance to see the brother that he appreciated more now that he wasn’t being teased by him on a daily basis.

Yuuri was not so happy when a water fountain they had just passed suddenly sprayed his brother, Yuuri having ducked instinctively as used to this kind of thing as he was, and seemingly pulled Shuuri in. Without thinking, Yuuri lunged to catch him and ended up falling in as well.

He spent several dizzy moments being spun around until the water spat him out again. Yuuri’s only real problem with this, as he was now accustomed to water having a mind of its own, was that he had not been spat back out at where he had started. Instead, he had appeared in a deserted room of a castle. Rather bewildered by this and a little nervous about being alone in such a place, he listened and then made his way to what he thought were voices.

He did not get very lost during his sojourn and, if pressed, Yuuri was even fairly certain he could find his way back to the room he had appeared in. It was not long before he rounded a corner to find a door that led outside. Caution occurred to him belatedly and he sidled up to the door and peered around the edge warily. What he found was not what he expected, although after being sucked into a fountain he had given up his expectations of normal. Still, the sight Shuuri being bowed to by a large group of men, men armed with large, sharp swords at that, was quite different.

Yuuri was eighteen when the major powers in New Mazoku first hailed him as their Maou. He had been transported to another world and, when looking for his elder brother, had become the focus of a lot of attention.

At first he was mildly gratified that they bowed even lower to him than to Shuuri but, when the strange man with the long, pale hair dropped to the ground and began grovelling (he later learned the man’s name was Gunter), Yuuri became mildly concerned. When the, what appeared to be, common guards began waving their spears, he became more than mildly concerned. He was only eighteen and he was too young to die. He had not even had a date yet, which he was now sure was due to Shuuri’s interference, an issue that was abruptly quite a bit more important to Yuuri than entrance exams that he might not get to sit.

Then, the very nice looking man with the short brown hair must have seen how nervous Yuuri was getting because he waved at a, not quite so nice looking, blond man who then began to shepherd the guards away. The brown haired man turned back to Yuuri and smiled.

Yuuri blushed suddenly and did not know why.

The man’s name was Conrad.

On the one month anniversary of Yuuri’s eighteenth birthday, he was officially crowned Maou of New Mazoku. He had, by this time, experienced enough of his new world that he had suspended disbelief. He found that, after an eight hundred year old priestess gave him magic lessons, being a medieval overlord wasn’t that hard to accept.

Oddly, he still blushed occasionally when he was around Conrad but that could have been because Conrad’s younger brother had taken to following him around and Wolfram teased him worse that Shuuri ever had. Besides, Conrad had a wicked arm and fully supported Yuuri’s efforts to make baseball the national sport.

Not long after Yuuri turned nineteen, his old water dodging reflexes were called into play again as Wolfram’s verbal attacks inexplicable became physical. He was baffled and hurt by the prickly lord’s increased animosity. It wasn’t until Conrad saw Yuuri execute a complicated judo move, again taught to him by his brother, in order to avoid Wolfram’s strike, that he pulled Yuuri aside and explained some of the weirder customs of Yuuri’s new people.

Yuuri was stunned that, had he ever lost his temper with Wolfram as he so often had been tempted, he could now have even been married to the blond. As Yuuri had wanted to deck Wolfram less than an hour after first meeting him (Yuuri did not approve of the way Wolfram treated Conrad) they would have had over a year to move past the engagement and on to the actual wedding. Yuuri was very glad that living with his brother had taught him how to keep his temper.

He opened his eyes to find that he was lying on the ground with Conrad kneeling beside him, softly patting his cheeks to rouse him. Yuuri realised that the shock had caused him to faint. Then he realised what Conrad had been doing and the innocent slaps suddenly gained double meaning. He knew they didn’t mean anything, but they could have.

He looked at Conrad and blushed.

Yuuri was only just into his nineteenth year when he fainted in front of Conrad. This was not the first time that he had done that, as he did tend to fall unconscious after major magical workings and channelling his inner Maou. However, it was the first time he had ever seen Conrad intentionally raise a hand to him.

Yuuri didn’t even try to avoid this blow.

Yuuri was engaged before he’d even had his first kiss.

It was shortly after Yuuri’s twentieth birthday that New Mazoku celebrated the royal wedding. The wedding had occurred much later than both Yuuri and Conrad would have preferred but other events and intervened. Now, in a newly peaceful world with an adopted daughter, Yuuri took Conrad as his husband.

During the reception, Wolfram got himself decked by a visiting Shuuri who had been horrified to learn that he had proposed. As he had simply been irritated by the blond’s histrionics and threat to ruin his brother’s big day, everyone had completely understood why he had punched Wolfram but no one, least of all Wolfram, once he had taken a moment to consider things, was willing to allow his ignorance to get him out of it. As everyone said, the Maou of Earth was better than no Maou at all.

This was the first Yuuri had heard of his brother’s position and, had Conrad not distracted him, the night may have been ruined after all. But Conrad was persuasive and Yuuri was very distractible and so day and Shuuri were saved. Shuuri went home the next day, fiancé in tow, without having argued with his brother.

Yuuri, meanwhile, was taken on his honeymoon. The first kiss situation had long since been remedied but Yuuri still had not had an official date. Conrad promised to fix that but Yuuri didn’t mind anymore, anyway.

Yuuri lived a great many more years with his husband beside him. Water eventually stopped misbehaving around him as he got his powers under control. Gunter explained why the water had attacked him when he was younger and Yuuri forgave them for scaring him when New Mazoku had only wanted to bring him to them. Wolfram never forgave Conrad for supposedly stealing Yuuri from him and nor did Gunter. Gunter was eventually waylaid by Conrad’s elder brother and forgot whatever hopes he might have had and Wolfram lived in another world. Things eventually became more peaceful but it didn’t last as Wolfram and Shuuri would occasionally visit.

kkm fandom, complete, fics

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