Cooperative/alternative living

Mar 19, 2009 13:20

Okay, I'm linkspamming this all over the place, but:

So what did $1,900 buy? The run-down bungalow had already been stripped of its appliances and wiring by the city’s voracious scrappers. But for Mitch that only added to its appeal, because he now had the opportunity to renovate it with solar heating, solar electricity and low-cost, high-efficiency appliances.

What makes it great is that this is kinda what I want. Just some property which can be kitted out with as many on-site utilities as possible, a garden, possibly a roof garden, enough home-grown sources of food, water and energy to make it possible to live cheaply enough that I might be able to live off my writing.

topic: world, stuff: links, topic: events of note, *faith in humanity, *so so awesome, *i has a plan, *whoa, *(not) hiding under things, *nifty!

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