Today has been so unmitigatedly awesome.
1) Temperature topped out at around 62°F/17°C today! Words cannot express how happy this makes me, especially with the sun shining down. I'm so used to February being a horrible time of frigid Winter horror that the fact that we've been up a good ten degrees above freezing for about a week now has me in immensely good spirits. It's like coming home to find that someone's left candy on your pillow or finding a $20 bill in a pocket you'd forgotten about or something.
2) I GOT A LETTER. The name on the envelope said "Mary." It was from London! Which, when L told me this, gave me an interesting moment of "Who's in London? Is Riona still in London? Wasn't she in Sussex? Sussex London?" But it was from Riona, whose handwriting is even tinier than mine. I DID GET YOUR LETTER, RIONA. BUT THE FLAILING ABOUT IT WAS ADORABLE. And it had me with a big silly grin or outright laughter for SOME TIME.
3) L and I abducted
bellsandblades to hang out at our house and just talked about stuff, demolished a baguette with olive oil, wove some chain maille... I really should get back into making that. If only because I feel badass with my handcallouses.
4) Also, I had a really good day in both of my classes. I love it when I can bring a new perspective in and critically grapple with the concepts. I love feeling like an intelligent person.