Okay. Current course lineup for Fall 2007:
*Russian year 3 (4sh)
*Sanskrit year 2 (3sh)
*Computational Linguistics (3sh)
*Articulatory and Acoustic Phonetics (3sh)
...which leaves me with 13 semester hours. I won't be auditing
velourmane's Specfic class because it conflicts with not one but two of my other classes, and I'm wondering if I can take the Russian department's Composition and Conversation (fulfills Russian major requirements) or Russia Today (fulfills Russian major requirements and that pesky Historical Perspectives gen ed I haven't taken yet). Thing is, for some reason (почему-что) the C&C course hasn't been listed yet.
Also, I emailed the instructor for
Issues in Anthropology: Anthropology, Science-Fiction and Fantasy to see if I could audit the course. Because HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE COURSE DESCRIPTION.