While skimming through the FFN SG1 pages, I came across a
FF7/SG1 crossover. (I was too afraid to click the link. You may if you so choose.) But it did remind me of the weird train of thought I had one night as I was heading to bed. Long story short, I found a decently plausible way of crossing over SG1 and FF8. (It involed Hyne being a Goa'uld, Sorceresses being hok'tars, the GFs being this race of beings who lived on the same plane as the Ancients, and the Stargate being a supposed Centran artifact. It would also involve the FF8 planet to have been colonized extensively by the Ancients at some point in time.) I'm not sure who to blame it on--the magibrain or
squeemu. On one hand, it sounds like something the magibrain would do. On the other,
everything is always Squeem's fault.
(Squeem, by the way, there is at least one
SG1/BSG crossover out there. Just thought you might want to know.)
I don't think the FF8/SG1 thing will ever get written. (BaBS is eating my time enough, and then
transnomad's dragged me back into writing Destiny. On the plus side, he's writing an SG1/The West Wing crossover, which can't not be hilarious.) And I still want to write all those other SG1 fics I have in reserve. And if I am going to head into FF8 crossovers, I should finish that
FF8/Fight Club thing I started way back when, got five chapters into, and abandoned.
Still, I have this wonderful image in my head of Jack berating Squall for being an idiot over something, Selphie trying to play peacekeeper, Laguna breaking everything, Zell geeking out over Teal'c's tattoo... yeah. No way can anything good come of it.