
Nov 23, 2004 21:29

Okay, folks. This is a new arena for me. I've made websites, but that doesn't mean I know how LiveJournal works.

I am, currently, a Harry Potter slash writer (H/D shipper only).

So what have I written? Not a lot, truthfully. Before I started 'Light of Heaven,' I hadn't written a blesséd thing. Well, that one still isn't finished, but it does have 19 looong chapters to it. Then there's 'Di Catenas' - a one-shot that uses a custom created by Marion Zimmer Bradley for her 'Darkover' series, and 'Bound!,' now at 20 chapters, but still in progress.

I won't bore you with posting reviews from other people. Every author has readers who think their work is "the greatest." I'll let the stories speak for themselves.

"Light of Heaven"
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry and Draco's magic goes awry after an unusual, and unexpected, bonding. Intelligent dragons get involved when the boys have to leave Hogwarts to learn another way of life, another kind of magic.

"Di Catenas"
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Summary: Ignorance can be troublesome, especially when it comes to marriage customs.

Rating: NC-17
Summary: In order to avoid a worse fate, Draco subjects himself to a bonding.

And where can they be found? At Tales of the Dragon.

Want some eye-candy? (No, not that kind!) I've made over 1700 background tiles, and navigation is easy! Go to The Dragon's Lair.

Oh, yeah. Since I'm also a pagan, you'll find find articles, links, and a sub-site on those subjects, as well.
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