Jul 10, 2007 10:32
This one I stole - Cause work is really annoying at the moment and I'm trying to avoid actually doing any work.
1. What time were you born? 6:00am <- I hate mornings btw
2. If you were a tree, what kind would you be?: Erm.. I got nothing.
3. What is your favorite city?: Sydney
4. If you could make one amendment to the Constitution, what would it be?: Similar to Stephs, but it would read "The right to shut annoying people the fuck up".
5. If you were going to visit a third world country, what would it be?: Carl's house.
6. Would you rather see the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben?: Eiffel Tower
7. If you were to study a second (or third) language, what would it be?: I'd love to learn Chinese for sure.
8. Would you rather spend the day at the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center or the Oregon History Museum?: History Museum.
9. Would you rather go bungee jumping or parachuting?: Both.. Out of a helicopter!
10. If you desperately needed money for college and your only option was the armed forces, would you choose the army, navy, or air force?: Hands down, Navy.
11. You are Chuck in "Cast Away". Would you open that last package?: Opening other peoples mail is a federal offence. So yeah I would.
12. You have a choice of traveling by canoe or water bike on the Columbia. Which do you choose?: Water bikes are like jet skis amirite?
13. What musical instrument do you wish you could play?: Dunno.. erm.. I can't play violin, I'd like to learn that I guess.
14. Would you rather attend a Barney concert or play Pokèmon all day?: NOOOOO BARNEY IS EVIL AND HUNTS YOU DOWN WITH WWII GUNS.
15. Would you rather attend a math or social studies conference?: Maths.
16. You must study a medical profession in college. You choose surgeon or ER doctor?: M.E imo
17. You have the opportunity to speak face to face to an actor/actress whom you don't particularly like. What do you say?: Hi. You suck?
18. You must get either your belly button or eyebrow pierced. Which do you choose?: Eyebrow
19. Summer boredom is really catching up to you. Do you listen to music or watch TV?: Music
20. You must get a tattoo, what will it be? this O.o
21. Would you rather swim in a (clean) lake or pool?: Lake
22. You are given a camera and told to photograph your day. Are the majority of your pictures of people or things/objects?: People
23. You enter a store. Do you go left or right? Strait.
24. You must dye your hair hot pink or bright red. Which do you choose?: Bright red
25. Would you rather watch FOX, NBC, or WB11 for the news?: Channel 9? O.O
26. Your senior pictures are scheduled. Do you choose to have them taken indoors or outdoors?: Outdoors, sun blurs my uglyness!
27. You are getting married. Do you choose to have the event take place in a church or the outdoors?: Outdoors.
28. Would you rather travel to Germany or Africa?: Been to Africa. Germany plz.
29. You are stranded on the side of the road. Do you hitchhike, walk, or take the bus?: I'd stay right where I fuckin' was and call someone on my mobile phone. Duh??
30. You must participate in one leg of a triathlon (run, bike, or swim). Which one is it?: Run.
31. Where would you like future Olympic games to be held?: Thomastown! Bogan Olympics! You could have events like 'Toss the baby', 'How many holes you can put in your living room walls in under one minute' and 'How long can you wear that one pair of mocka's'.
32. Would you rather be extremely hot or extremely cold?: Hot. Please for the love of god hot.
33. You buy hand lotion. Is it scented or not?: I haven't really put that much thought into it.
34. Would you rather go to a drive-in or the same ol' theater?: Imax
35. You must put together a puzzle. Do you choose 2,500 or 5,000 pieces?: Is there one of those 5 piece ones that I can choose? You know, the ones that 6 year olds do. And they have those funky little handles in the middle of the pieces, in case your a retard and can't actually pick up the massive bit of puzzle?!
36. Would you rather spend the day with Cookie Monster or Big Bird?: Cookie monster.
37. The only jobs you could land for the summer are at McDonald's or a gas station. Eh.. I'd go for the gas station I guess. Especially if it was one on the way up to the snow.
38. You are given $30. What do you do with it?: Smokes n' Diet Coke. Nuff said.
39. And finally, the oh-so-popular question of: You are stranded on an island. You can have one thing, but not another human. What do you choose?:
you have cheated: /sigh shut up
you believe hitting a child is a form of discipline: No its a form of abuse.
You practice a religion: No
You apologize: Yes
you keep a diary: No
you like to cook: Yes
you exercise regularly: Yes
you sketch while you are on the phone: Yes
you have read a book in the past: Noew, I khan knowt reiad vely weel.
you replace the toilet paper roll immediately: Yes
you like crossword puzzles: They frustrate the fuck out of me but yes.
You have visited the Eiffel Tower: No
You have a secret you have never shared wtih another person: Yes, I had two up until a few days ago. Now just one =/
You wait until the last minute to fill your car with gas: No
You snore: Like a mother fucker.
You read in the bathroom: Eye khan no reiad.
You've gotten sick on a vacation: Yes, Egypt - Nasty nasty sick.
You often have people over at your house: So long as my parents aren't there, yes.
You can remember jokes: Yes
You play cards: Like a pro
You fold your underwear: Yes
You talk in your sleep: Maybe?
You eat fast: Yes
You recycle small batteries: In the bin... Yes...
You often avoid paying full price: No
you like hiking: Yes
you like being on the phone: A little too much I'm told.
You shave regularly: Yes
You set your watch a few minutes ahead: No. WtF would I do that for? O.o
You are always late: Heh.. Yes. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE!
You often get headaches: No
You smoke: Yarp
A naked photo of you exists: WTF Hell no.
You can whistle: Yes
You write letters regularly: Every.single.day.somebody.kill.me.please.
You believe in destiny: Sure
You brush your teeth three times a day: Twice
You have something you wish to confess: I have something I could confess too, but nothing that I WISH to confess.
You change your bedsheets weekly: Yes
You bite your fingernails: All the time, bad habit, so shoot me.
You pick your nose: Only on Mondays.
You are a vegetarian: Heh. I was, although I had a sausage a few weekends ago, which is Stephs fault tbh.
You have eaten in a restaurant alone: No
You have gone to a movie alone: No
You have taken a vacation alone: No
You read the newspaper every day: Yes
You have not used a hair dryer in the past year: Yes - wtf would I used one of them for? Oh wait, no when I got my hair tipped they did.
You have made love on an airplane: Yes and a shuttle bus with the same chick. Long time ago, funny as hell though.
You have hit your father or mother in anger: No
You lose control in heated arguments: No - I'm am a very calm and cool person >.>
When the alarm goes off, you get up immediately: Fuck that shit.
You generally save letters and postcards: Meh - Not really.
You hate parties: No
You have stolen money from your parents: Not once.
You have fired a gun: Yes
Less is more: More or less yeah. ahahahaha duh duh ching!
You know who you are: I used to think so.
You enjoy being photographed: No, I hate it.
Life treats you well: Yes
the right to have an abortion: For
the right to have a gun: For
the death penalty: Against
legalization of drugs: Against, I've seen it fuck too many people over.
equal rights for homosexuals: For
the practice of premarital sex: Against, that's just wrong.
-the emotion you tend to hide the most: All of them?
-a moment you achieved absolute happiness: Hasn't happened yet.
-You would feel envious right now if: The heater broke again.. Or maybe I wouldn't, I'd probably grab all my stuff and sit in with the girls at retire invest and steal their heat. Thus not being envious of it.
-When you're happy you need: Music
-When you're sad you need: Guitar
-When you are angry you need: Cigarettes and the phone /agree
-When you are in love you need: Honesty
-you would jump up and down if someone told you: that you got into the force!
-Someone who genuinely makes you or has made you happy: Captian Planet
-Something that makes you happy: Music, friends, guitar, family, matilda, those funky lil umbrellas in drinks and diet coke and crawling into bed when you've had a massive day and on and on and on and on
-Someone that made you laugh this week: Sarah. Cracked me the fuck up.
-what's your sexiest feature? None
-are you attracted to the same sex? That's a big fuck no.
-if not, are any of your friends? Yes
-are you a virgin? No and Yes.. Well okay its a flat out no.
-how old were you when you lost your virginity? Jesus christ.. umm... I don't know, like 14?
-two things you did today: Ran in really thick strange Melbourne fog and swore at the printer for being a whore.
-best word to describe your current love life: 'L.O.L'
-best word to describe your current work situation: Boring as all fuck.
-The last person who told you that they loved you: Heh, was back in like 06' I think!? And even then, I would have preferred the spawn of the devil telling me that rather than her.
-The last person you said you loved: Dunno... I don't have reason to say it often.
-what are you wearing? Army pants, Black skivvy and a black jacket.
-what are you listening to? Chloe from Retire Invest, who has just bought me a skinny Latte cause I was complaining about how cold I was and is now my bestest of friends because of it and Augie March - One Crowded Hour.
And I've now wasted a good amount of time, now how to waste another five hours.. hmmm..