Abnormal, or awesome?

Apr 18, 2009 14:43

Sometimes I think I'm in the most abnormal relationship I've ever known about. We don't fight. No, really, we don't yell at each other, we don't bicker, and in the almost year and a half we've been living together I've gotten truly angry with him only once. It was over whipping cream and how much to make, lol. And, frankly, from going from an LDR to living together, that's pretty impressive, if I may pat us on the back.

Things are easy, and I like it like this. Yeah a relationship needs work, but that work shouldn't be hard, or heart wrenching, or what have you. I look at the major relationships I've seen up til now, mostly my mother's with Andrei, and I wonder what's the point. What do people in situations like that get besides some modicum of tolerable companionship. Where's the joy and passion. Besides keeping loneliness at bay (and I would argue that if you don't have a supportive partner, you are in fact alone anyway), why go through that misery? I can come up with dozens of positive reasons why I'm with Kané and why I find our relationship to be worthwhile before I get to "because I don't want to be lonely."

Not quite sure how or why this popped into my head, but it did. I think it's because when I woke up this morning and saw him sleeping beside me I couldn't help but grin. And because this week I pegged about a 10 on the Rage-O-Meter on Tuesday and Wednesday, and about a 9 on Thursday, because of mom and Andrei. Mercifully by yesterday I reached blissful acceptance of sorts. So it's made me feel more appreciative of what I have, especially given how supportive and awesome Kané has been.

I know that technically we're still in the honeymoon phase, what with being under the 2 year mark usually used to delineate these things. But given how we work, the respect we have for and treat each other with, and that there are no fundamental incompatibilities (like say religion, which I had with Adam, and the expectation for me to change to make that work) I think we're good to go for a good long time. It also helps that we're laid back and neither one of us is a fighter/yeller by nature. But I think out of all that, respect is the key to it all. I respect him and who he is, he respects me and who I am. Without respect everything eventually crumbles.
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