Sep 29, 2011 13:32
I honestly have no idea... My heart was broken last November, and I still haven't gotten over it. I definitely think that surrounding yourself with people that love you helps a lot, but it doesn't make it completely better. Some people are better able to get over break ups and things like that, but others have a more difficult time... I am one of those people, because I tend to dwell. I am not one to fall into love easily, and I have come to realize that I can't fall out of love easily either. Once I truly love someone, I will do anything and everything I can for them. It's crushing when they tell you that they don't love you anymore, because you have devoted so much time to them, to make them happy and to give them everything they could ever want. And when they break your heart, the way you look at life changes. You question yourself and your abilities and your worth... I know that's an awful thing to say, because you should never doubt yourself... But when you are such an emotional person, like I am, I can't get over things very easily.
In all honesty, if I had to pick one thing that could mend a broken heart, it would be to have another traumatic experience happen to you. This may sound very harsh, but this is what happened to me. This past May, my grandmother passed away. My grandma was my everything; she was a second mother to me, and she was probably the one person in my life that I was closest to, and I don't think I'll ever be that close to a person again. We connected on such an incredible level; she was so much more than my grandmother. We told each other everything; she was with me every single day of my life (because she lived with me and my parents). Her passing opened my eyes to so much in this world. The last lesson she taught me was on the day that she passed away; she taught me that the little things in life really aren't that important. You don't realize how much you love someone until they're gone, and you don't realize how much they have influenced you and changed your life. I can't look at things the same anymore... I look at couples on my campus who are all cute and cuddly, and I can't help but think how meaningless it is. Don't get me wrong, you need to have those moments in a relationship to keep the love and romance going, without a doubt. But I seriously doubt those people realize that there are more important things in the world than their boy/girlfriend. People take things way too seriously, and they don't appreciate the finite things in their lives the way they should. The moment my grandma passed, I pretty much got over my ex. Of course, I am only human, so I do think of him every once in a while and how much our breakup hurt, but then I remember my grandma, and that last lesson she taught me. I think about my grandma every day, when I rarely think of my ex.
I'm not saying that everyone needs to experience a tragedy to get over a breakup, but I am saying that the tragedy in mt life definitely taught me how to get over it. No, I'm not completely over it, but I definitely look at life differently now, and I wouldn't change it for the world.
writer's block