
Sep 20, 2013 14:18

Remembering when your face would flush and your eyelashes fluttered shut, which always reminded me of when a wood nymph male flaps it’s wings near a female butterfly to attract her, and sure enough I’d hold you tighter and nuzzle your nose. Is it weird that in moments like this you always reminded me of the inside of a puppy’s ear? Pink and sensitive. You always reminded me of many things. We sat outside and drank creamy coffee. I always thought the way you held cigarettes was strange, and wondered if you thought the same about me. I made you bleed in the shower that day. I sat by the window on top of my desk feeling alienated from you. You made the room smell of tobacco and dandruff shampoo. We had sex to fight away the loneliness we felt when we were together. I sat in the bathroom and pressed my cheek against the wall. I felt closer to you, then. Your skin was always warm like cinnamon and damp with humidity. The palm trees excited you more than I did. You avoided my gaze and fidgeted. We wanted orange creamsicles and butterflies. We shared toothpaste kisses and wondered how we could have lost one another in such a small room.
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