Sep 21, 2004 13:25
Well I have not been updateing my Lj like I know I should be but here goes time to update again, well lets see depresion wise I am better for the time being right now altthough I have this weird ainxty feeling that seems to taken its place. Well I feel in a real bad place I have no job thingy and recently I haven't been leaveing the house. I really do wish I had more friends, any that I do have either live out of distance, and the ones I do live close to have more active lifes than I do so we don't see each other that often. I'm starting to piss myself off again, I hate being a ass about my life. I sit here and see myself bitching and moaning about not haveing any girlfriend or love in my life, and I feel like such a ass bitching about that kinda stuff cause so many people have it so much more worse than I do. Then I see the shit some of my friends are going through and i just wish I could strech my arms as far as they could to just give them one giant hug and pull them twoards me but maybe its like my favorite song goes "I'm a Dreamer"