Many people have commented on this, and now I will too. If you have not heard about this incident, go look it up on a news search. Here are the things I think people should take away from this:
- Zimmerman screwed up. Yes, he had the right to follow Martin around. However, it was not smart. Once this was reported to the police, he should have backed off. He placed himself in a situation that increased his probability that he would need to pull his gun. Your best defense is to avoid these situations. No matter whether you are right or wrong, when you shoot someone you are looking at a legal bill. Zimmerman’s is going to be very high.
- I doubt Zimmerman will be able to get a fair trial. The jury pool has been tainted nationwide. And, we have the President and US Attorney General promising to go after him on a federal level. If he fled the country, I would not blame him.
- If the case does not make it to trial, or he is found not guilty, I’m almost certain there will be riots. There have already been attacks against people based on their skin color were the perpetrators were claiming to be doing it to get “justice” for Martin. I blame this on all of the people trying to score political points off of this incident.
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