Some Semi-political Thoughts

Aug 02, 2009 05:42

Palin on the market? NOT!

Apparently, Sarah Palin is getting divorced. Single male gunnies and hunters are already polishing their courtship plans.

Edit: It turns out that this is a lie started by some bloggers. It doesn’t change my feelings on what I’ve posted below. There are still way to many hypocrites leading both major parties.

Now for the political part of this:

The Palins are getting divorced because of acts infidelity committed by both of them. This is a symptom of the problems of our political leadership, hypocrisy. The Republicans preach about the sanctity of marriage and the family, and cheat on their spouses. The Democrats call for openness in government, and try to ram through huge pieces of legislation without time to read and study the proposed legislation. The Republicans call for smaller government and reducing the deficit, then run up the size of government and the national debt. The Democrats say they are for respecting the Constitution and people’s rights, yet they advocate restricting “hate” speech while picking and choosing which parts of the Bill of Rights they support.

Though, a podcast I was listening to had an interesting point, more has been done to forward the cause of Second Amendment rights in Congress this year, than was done in the 8 years of the Bush administration. Hooray for blue-dog Democrats.

Originally published at Tim's World. You can comment here or there.

sarah palin, celebrity, politics

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