On yesterdays primaries:
Before the primaries the Democrats were running a socialist who has no respect for individual rights against a socialist who has no respect for individual rights for President. After yesterday’s primaries they are running a socialist who has no respect for individual rights against a a socialist who has no respect for individual rights for President. The Republican candidates for President who have a chance of winning their party nomination after yesterday’s primaries are a socialist who has no respect for individual rights, another socialist who has no respect for individual rights, and a theocrat who wants to remove the separation of church and state. The Republican candidates for President who have a chance of winning their party nomination before yesterday were a socialist who has no respect for individual rights, another socialist who has no respect for individual rights, and a theocrat who wants to remove the seperation of church and state.
Since the citizens of the USA are extremely unlikely to vote for anyone who doesn’t have a D or R after their name on the ballot, can anyone tell me why I shouldn’t be extremely worried about this country and my rights?
Interesting news bit:
Willie Nelson has come out saying that he has bought into the conspiracy theories revolving around 9/11. He states that the world trade center buildings collapsing looked to much like a building being imploded. I have news for him. They did implode. When a building is implodes, they something happens to the structural support members and the building collapses. When it is done on purpose, they place small charges on the supports and then blow the building. This is proceeded by interior demolition in the building to allow the charges to be placed. With the world trade center, the airplanes’ impact, coupled with intense fires, weakened the supports and caused the upper floors to collapse. The impact of the upper floors caused a cascading failure in the supports below. This is what caused the building to collapse. Not some asinine conspiracy. Willie needs to cut back on the weed, it’s making him paranoid.
Originally published at
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