Jan 04, 2010 18:45
First off... not sure if I will get to 100 movies this year. most every other year, hell to the yes, but until I get jobbage its going to be slow going. but like hell I am going to try! WHOOT INTERNET /CHINESE SITES UPLOADING MOVIES 8D I love movies so damn much (Kiyo, I am moives where you are TV XD!)
Rules and Guidelines:
1. Watch 100 movies or more in 2010.
2. Keep track of how many I watch.
3. First time movies only.
4. Leaving entry public. If you want to recommend any movies to me, go for it.
Netflix Rating System:
1 = Hated it. (Just...no.)
2 = Didn't really care for it. (Not great, but parts are okay)
3 = Liked it. (It was good. Might choose to see it again)
4 = Really liked it. (Probably wouldn't buy it, but I really liked it)
5 = Loved it so much. (Will add to buy on DVD list)
1. Sherlock Holmes - 5
2. Bride and Predigest - 4
movies 2010