Title: The Uncanny Valley
dracox-serdrielWord count: 24,000 - 25,000
Genre: Case Fic, Mystery, Murder, Abduction
Spoilers: All episodes of Sherlock (BBC) through s02e03 "The Reichenbach Fall."
Rating: R
Warnings: language, graphic descriptions of violence and forensics, doping, drugs
Status: Complete. Comments appreciated.
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership to the characters, universe, and mythology of Sherlock (BBC). This fan fiction is based on the canon of Sherlock as of s02e03 "The Reichenbach Fall" but thereafter is pure invention.
Summary: After leaving Salcombe and failing to find The Engineer, Sherlock continues his investigation into Moriarty's network. Mycroft brings another case to his attention that may just be linked to the events back in London, where Molly Hooper has become a target, despite St. Bart's increasing security advantage.
Read Series 3: Unfinished Business on AO3 The Uncanny Valley -
Part One: A Mortuary UprisingThe Uncanny Valley -
Part Two: The Veiled LodgerThe Uncanny Valley -
Part Three: QuiverThe Uncanny Valley -
Part Four: MetempsychosisThe Uncanny Valley -
Part Five: MasksThe Uncanny Valley -
Part Six: Sieve and CypherThe Uncanny Valley -
Part Seven: MnemonicThe Uncanny Valley -
Part Eight: TransmigrationThe Uncanny Valley -
Part Nine: A Little InconvenienceThe Uncanny Valley -
Part Ten: Risorgimento