DTH 2023: Rekindled

Apr 08, 2023 15:18

Title: Rekindled
Author: CoffeeDragon87
Prompt: # 4
Summary: Sometimes all it takes is a meet-cute in Greece.
Rating: M
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 5942
Author's Notes: First and foremost, my utmost respect and eternal thanks to the mods for their patience, the extension, and the low-pressure facilitation of this fest. Written amidst severe writer's block due to gender dysphoria and RL madness, I, up until tonight, thought I'd find myself dropping out, but I didn't, and I am mighty proud of the final version of this story. Thank you, Kylelikescats, for your lovely prompt, "An older Harry and Draco reconnect with one another later in life". Despite all my woes, I thoroughly enjoyed writing something for your prompt. In return, I am keeping my fingers crossed that you'll enjoy reading my short contribution. To my beloved HB, I could not have done this without you. Know that you'll always be in my heart, making it soar with joy, love, and laughter. You're my one and only unicorn.

(Read here)

author: coffeedragon87, [admin] fest-2023, rating: r

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