Hi folks, prompting is now closed.
You can view all the prompts at this link:
Claiming will begin on Monday, 1st February around 10:00 am EST.
All prompts as they are claimed will be marked appropriately. There will be two different posts for claiming. 1. for fic/art and 2. for podfic creators. The fest is entirely non-anonymous. However - as I brilliantly borrowed this language from a friend of mine: although the fest isn't anonymous, as when a fic/art is posted, your name will be there, it's still a nice surprise to see the fic/art revealed as the fest is going on. So it's preferred if people didn't broadcast much about their DTH contribution until their fill is revealed. It's fine to chat privately with a friend or two (or three.) Thanks!
If you have any questions, please email us at: dracotopsharry @ gmail. com.