Title: Muggle Magic
Aelys_Althea Prompt: # 123
Summary: When Voldemort came for Harry, Lily took a stand. This time, Voldemort was defeated. But not enough for the Potters. Leaving the Wizarding world behind them, Harry is raised a Muggle without any knowledge of the magic. Not of the real kind, anyway. But magic always finds a way, and in his final year of high school Harry is introduced to a school of unexpected and unfamiliar people. Different people. Interesting people. And one person in particular that drew managed to draw a little more interest than the rest.
Rating: M
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions of Violence
Word Count: ~112,000
Author's Notes: Thanks you, my dear mods, for hosting this most wonderful of fests once again! It's been a hell of a year so far and it's efforts like yours that keeps the positivity alive. Thank you so, so much for giving me the opportunity to participate again this year. It was a struggle to get it done it time, but I had a blast!
Muggle Magic)