Title: The First Time, And The Last
Author: Truthonthepage on AO3 (@nifflers-n-nargles)
Prompt: # 7
Summary: Harry Potter has given up on love, and sex...but not if Draco Malfoy can help it.
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): First times, Light Coercion (non-sexual), Blackmail
Word Count: 12.5k
Author's Notes: Thank you so much to
goldentruth813 for this great prompt, and for unintentionally inspiring me to join this fest. A million thanks to my brilliant beta J, you always make me better. And finally a huge thanks to the mods for putting on this amazing fest and tolerating my multiple requests for extensions. All translations came from Google, apologies if they are not correct!
The First Time, And The Last )