Title: Good Boy
#9Summary: Harry is Draco's good boy. Always such a good boy
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Explicit sexual scenes... that's about it.
Medium: Digital - Photoshop cs5 + wacom tablet
Artist's Notes: I had a lot of fun doing this, mostly coming up with ideas and researching -wink- but by the time I'd scrapped 4 different scenarios and couldn't work out how to draw what I wanted and still make it look good, I started to freak out a little. I wanted to create something good and that I'd be proud of, especially since the prompter, the lovely
dicta_contrion, was basically the sole reason for me to join the fandom. So, to finish my rant, I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you had in mind, but the prompt was pretty loose so, here's to wishing. :D
Good Boy )